Questions & Answers

Audio from iMac and keyboard through 1 pair of speakers using Audiobox USB 96

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asked May 12, 2018 in AudioBox USB by charlesgelia (120 points)
If I connect my keyboard as pictured in the PreSonus manual, with midi cables alone, I get no sound from the keyboard through my speakers. Is it possible to get audio from both my iMac and my keyboard  (Korg X50), without opening Studio One, using the Audiobox USB96 and one set of speakers? Am I not hardwired properly? Do I have to be in Studio One to hear my keyboard?  FYI: I currently have the Mac connected to the Audiobox via USB, the keyboard to the Audiobox via midi, and the speakers via 1/4" cables. Any and all help is most gratefully appreciated, this has me beat.