Questions & Answers

Fat Channel between hardware and software can be finished?

+4 votes
asked May 13, 2018 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by jameswhitescarver (210 points)
New fat channel plugins were released, and that is awesome.  
However, i won't be buying any unless the hardware control of these plugins is as robust in DAW mode as it is in mixer mode.  Is this possible?  In the works?

My priority is maximum mixing without a mouse, and transferral of mixes between the mixer and DAW.  Presonus is ahead of everyone in this regard, but there is a hole:

When in mixer mode, the dedicated buttons for each module provide controls for all the parameters.
But in DAW mode, the mixer only sees the fat channel as one plugin, and many parameters are missing, inaccessible.

Therefore, i have my waves 1176 that i have full control over in DAW mode, but my fat channel version is wonky and sharing encoders with all the other fat channel modules when I'm in Studio One

This means I'll mix once as i record, and then again when i mix through the DAW.  The BEAUTY of the series III mixers is the ability to have the same processing in your mixer that you have in your DAW.  

With better implementation of the fat channel plugins, I'm excited to build my collection.  I'm especially psyched that they have a C1B available!

The more it is possible to preserve the mix from the board so i don't do the same with again, the better.  The more i can control my DAW from the control surface, the better.

There are different ways to implement this.  Is it possible for the dedicated buttons for gate, EQ, Dynamics, to also work when using the fat channel in studio one?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 24, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

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