Questions & Answers

Does Studio One 3 Artist work on Windows XP?

+1 vote
asked May 15, 2018 in Studio One 3 by doctorductape (490 points)

Hello! A while ago when I got an AudioBox USB, it came with Studio One 3 Artist. (I'm pretty sure it's artist) It works just great on my laptop, because that's what I initially downloaded it on. Fast forward to now, and I'm trying to put it on my Windows XP computer, (because it's more of a desktop situation) which has no internet. (I might be able to give it internet later, if it came to that) I re-downloaded the 64-bit installer and (via a flash drive) got it on my XP, and ran it. It loaded, and said "This application requires Windows 7 or later," and that really confused me, because of this Knowledge Base thingy:

Q: Is my version of Windows XP supported with my PreSonus product?

A: As of May 2013, PreSonus supports all current products and software on Microsoft Windows XP, with the exception of the following editions:

  • Windows XP 64-Bit Edition
  • Windows XP Media Center Edition
  • Any edition of Windows XP without Service Pack 3 installed

These operating systems are not sufficient to properly run our latest drivers and software; if you are using Windows XP, it must be Windows XP 32-bit, Service Pack 3, Home or Professional edition.

I checked, and I have Windows Home, and service pack 1.

So, I changed the registry of the service pack number from 1 to 3, (it was really 100 and 300, but you get my point) to make the computer think that I was using Service pack 3.

I ran it again, and it said the same thing, if I were to actually (lol) install Service Pack 3, would it say the same thing, again?

In short, is it the XP's fault or the software's fault, and either way, how do I fix it?


(P.s, I know this sort of veers of into the tech field, but I tried to keep it as related as I could)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 15, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
selected May 15, 2018 by ghasenbeck
Best answer

No. Studio One 3 is not supported on Windows XP (any version). You will need to run Windows 7 SP1 + Platform Update as a minimum. 

If you want to run Windows XP with Studio One, the last version of Studio One supported on XP was version 2.0.7. You'll need to have Studio One 2 registered in your account to do this. If you don't have Studio One 2, we don't sell this version anymore. If you do have it or have access to a license, you can use these steps to get it running. 

--> For Registration:

--> For Installation:
Please go here:
1. Click on the link entitled "PreSonus Studio One 2 Installer.exe"
2. Save this file to your computer
3. Go to your downloads after the file has been downloaded and install the software.

--> For Activation of the newly installed version 2.0.7 software:
a. Online Method:

b. Offline Method:
