Questions & Answers

How do i apply tempo track info with all tracks in song "tempo-not set"

0 votes
asked May 20, 2018 in Studio One 3 by klofton (240 points)
As short as possible.

Made a quick mixdown. Made tempo track w melodyne. Tempo track added and in place in latest studio one 3 pro. How do I get " map" to display on all tracks'  "file tempo" field? All are showing "not set". Only my mixdown track showsntempo as " map".

Please advise

   Thanks.      Kevin

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 13, 2018 by lawrencefarr (221,490 points)
Best answer

If you're asking how to make all tracks follow the tempo, set them all to Timestrech (for audio) or Beats (for midi).
