Questions & Answers

How to export AAF in S1 v4 with all the song data - tempo/markers

+3 votes
asked Jun 29, 2018 in Studio One 4 by jamessenior1 (190 points)
Hi - just upgraded to v4 in order to work with an engineer remotely in a different DAW. I click "Save As New Folder" and save as AAF. When I try to open that AAF, all the song data is missing (tempo map, markers, key sig) as well as the tracks themselves. ANyone else had this problem? Thank You!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 8, 2018 by nickemerson (200 points)
Can anyone answer this? I exported an aaf and it only imported a video track into pro tools. My session didn't even have a video track. what is happening here?