Questions & Answers

Date for Studio One Prime 4 release?

0 votes
asked May 23, 2018 in Studio One 4 by Vatche (2,870 points)
Now that Studio One V4 is released, any date set for the release for PRIME?

Will MP3 import/export as well as Multiband Comp be included in Prime as indicated in the Comparison list?

Will V3 Prime Add-On purchased work with V4 Prime?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 25, 2018 by donaldbaarns (9,880 points)
I have no real idea when Prime will ship.

After v3 shipped, it was around 5 weeks before Prime was available if I remember. It could be more or less this time, not up to me.

The dev priority after a major release is dealing with high priority bugs for the paid versions (appropriate).

If history repeats itself, we'll see a 4.01 version and then Prime will follow that.

That said, nobody knows for sure, and for free it's out when they get it done.