Questions & Answers

Does Fat channel XT when linked to Studio One mixer channel use onboard DSP or run natively?

0 votes
asked May 29, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by alancloughley (3,080 points)
Now the new plugins have arrived I'm wondering if it's worth investing in them. I know it's possible to link a mixer channel in S1 to the StudioLive Series III console with two way control. I've struggled though to find documentation about where the processing takes place. If it's onboard with zero latency then that's a big plus and would tip the balance in terms of a purchase, although it would still be a pain to flip between DAW mode and Mixer mode to use them they could be mapped 1-1 with the tracks on smaller sessions which might work for smaller mixes.

If not are there any plans for this? 32 compressors and EQ plugs with zero hit on my host PC would make a huge difference and those new plugins look great!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer
The new plugins are all on board. They are installed via Universal Control. You don't need to have a PC connected to run them.
0 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by alancloughley (3,080 points)

Thanks for the answer benpierce. Apologies I've probably phrased this badly. 

In Studio One you can transfer Fat channel settings used for recording a track to a Fat channel plugin added as an insert on a mixing channel in Studio one. You can then retain the settings used in tracking with one button click and tweak them later when mixing in S1. Once a Fat channel plugin is inserted in S1 processing then occurs in the insert chain for the channel in Studio One not in the channel of the StudioLive console although I believe they can still be linked and controlled in both directions. The question is have I missed a magic button in S1 to make the processing run on the mixer DSP but still in the S1 insert chain? 

32 channels of DSP based EQ and compression could then be leveraged for mixing when tracking is complete (a Presonus version of UAD DSP powered plugins!!)  Antelope audio are working on a plugin VST wrapper to allow this with their audio interfaces so it doesn't seem impossible (although probably technically challenging).

That amount of DSP power would take SO much load off my PC that even heavy sessions would become a breeze and the new Fat Channel plug in would be top of my studio wish list!
