Questions & Answers

192 mobile not being recognized and lighting up red

+2 votes
asked May 29, 2018 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by shaunnichols (140 points)
So I just recently bought a 192 mobile. Registered it,downloaded universal control. For some reason it is not being recognized within studio one when I go to select it for my device. it is being seen in universal control though. The light just stays solid red on the power button after boot up. Not quite sure what I am doing wrong here... If anyone can shed some light I would much appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2018 by cory baker (930 points)
edited Jun 3, 2018 by cory baker
mine is repeatedly having to be turned on and then off. ever since the firmware upgrade. my suggestion is that you, when prompted that it is not recognizing your device, to turn it off, then on, and then hit retry or whatever.