Questions & Answers

How come the output volume is lower after updating the UC mixer software and the 192 Mobile firmware?

0 votes
asked Dec 3, 2017 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by prock (760 points)
edited Jan 11, 2018 by prock

I use my Studio 192 Mobile with Cubase so I have the UC Mixer set to "Mixer Bypass".  But, like all geeks, I noticed an update for the UC Mixer software and updated to v2.4.0.44938 and then a subsequent firmware update for the Studio 192 Mobile to DSP v1.7-7.  Now the output volume is much lower. I am not sure which update cased this as they were updated concurrently before I tried the updated UC software.

Prior to the updates the Studio 192 Mobile "Main" volume was always set to near 12 o'clock.  Now I must set it to 3 o'clock to get a similar volume.  Same for the headphone volume knob, prior to the updates it was set to about 1 o'clock, now I must set it to 3 o'clock to get the same volume.

EDIT (01-11-2018)...  This concern still is there after updating to UC: and Firmware: DSP v1.8-31.

Any thoughts or suggestions?   Thanks  wink

Oh well...  I never learn to leave things be when they are working good.  I mean, it is still working good but, now it seems I lost a bunch of headroom control. 

Regards   cool

OS: Win 10, DAW: Cubase Pro 9.5

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2018 by gustavosoto2 (140 points)
Did you find the solution? I have the same problem in windows 10 ...  please answer!
0 votes
answered Aug 14, 2018 by prock (760 points)

As of this date I have no answers or solutions for this issue.  Sorry.

Regards  cool
