Questions & Answers

Studio one4 fx channel bug?

0 votes
asked May 31, 2018 in Studio One 4 by minkyocho1 (430 points)


I upgrade to studio one 3 to 4 last week, 

but i'm not sure it's a bug or not on fx channel on mixer 

I had to click scroll bar to see fx plugins on fx channel insert area

after over loading 11plugins on fx channel, there shows scroll bar to see plugins 

despite of there is some blank space underneath to use. 

Is this a bug?

Png file attatched,


add fx channel and Insert more than 11plugins, there is a scrollbar even there is some space to show it up.C-date

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)
Best answer

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