Questions & Answers

How many cores/threads can Studio One 4 Professional address efficiently?

+3 votes
asked Jul 10, 2018 in Studio One 4 by landonkyle (150 points)
I'm looking at purchasing a new pc strictly for tracking and mixing and I've read several instances of previous versions of S1 using a single core primarily rather than distributing the load across multiple cores. I've played around with the free version of S13 and really like the workflow. I hope to hear good things about improvements in the multicore/multithreading department. Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2020 by alanmiller1 (1,160 points)

Adding my request to PLEASE improve and optimize S1 CPU for multithreading. For those of us that like to use plugins like Acustica, this is a must. I have to confirm with the above comment regarding people leaving S1 for Reaper, all because the CPU optimization is significantly better. Two instances of a plugin that takes 9% in Reaper shouldn't take 48% in S1. That is ridiculous! Get with it dev team!
