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Improvement of fader movements in UC Surface

+20 votes
asked Dec 9, 2015 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by basmeijer (6,450 points)
Please improve fader movements in UC Surface (iPad version in conjunction with RM32AI), operation will highly benefit when a fader can be moved much more gently and smooth. Specially the start of a movement is clunky many times. Because the fader doen not always engage directly the result is a very audible jumb, up or down.

This can give a lot of stress now and then, when just tiny bits need to be adjusted. I am usually putting my thumb gently on the fader and rol it a bit up and down, to see if the size of de fader knob changes. Then I continue to slightly roll it up and down to manage to get just a few dBs. This should be different. With other brands that I had experience with this is not the case.

It is one of the main reasons that I have to use the CS18AI when fine adjustments in a bigger concert hall are a necessity.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2015 by stingray1122 (7,740 points)

Thank you for your request. We'll be using the voting system on these requests to help us prioritize new feature for upcoming releases.

Ray Tantzen, Senior Product Manager - PreSonus

+1 vote
answered Dec 9, 2015 by kgbak (180 points)
Yes! If the faders zoomed like the other functions in the software you could accommodate greater fader resolution without changing your layout. Though I guess multitouch might be an issue.. I'm sure you guys will work something out.  Hopefully.
0 votes
answered Mar 22, 2016 by mrbassman1 (180 points)

I'm experiencing the same issue on the Lenovo ideapad s400-touch i3-3227U.  Very irritating, spend now 3 day's adjusting Win10-64b. touch preferences( right-click-off),HD energy-safer off, screen size,  kill unused processes, run hardware tests, factory reset and other OS(win8.1). No luck, the issue stay's.

According to the Presonus support it must be a malfunction or incapability of the Lenovo touch laptop?

- Impossible to make a live mix with tiny adjustments of 0.1 Db to 1Db on all type of the faders. (channel, main, mix & effect)
- External usb-Mouse control or  laptop mouse-pad has a smooth control of  all type of the faders. with adjustments of 0.1Db possible.
- No messages or faq found about this issue until now (this post)
- I'm obvious not the only one who encounters this problem. (this post)


- Who is encountering the same problem with UC-control on a touch screen and what brand of device and what type of  system OS?

- Does anyone have a solution or more info ? Because it seems i'm not the only one, it's not possible my lenovo has a malfunction.

- Were do i need to post this?  Forum ? faq?

0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2016 by mrbassman1 (180 points)
Hoi Bas met Bas uit Alkmaar.  Is dit probleem bij jou opgelost?  Ik zit er nog mee. en met mij meerdere gebruikers hier in noord holland.  Kan je contact opnemen met mij?  zie facebook  mr-bassman audio. Alvast bedankt.