Questions & Answers

Double Album support in Project mode?

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asked Aug 23, 2018 in Studio One 4 by HoodedQobra (260 points)
When using Project mode, you can add songs to form the project.

Which is limited by the LENGTH of a cd, meaning you cannot add any songs that exceeds the total amount of time (80min) that a cd can hold..

I am working on a Double Album (two discs), I would rather keep the entire project together in one project, instead of breaking them up.

1. In case I decide to move songs in between discs
2. When it’s time to create digital copies etc, I would like everything included together
3. Convenience

Is there a way to do this in Studio One Professional, and if so, how?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 4, 2018 by alberthislop (1,000 points)
I have not seen any limitation in the number of mixes in a project.  I put all my mixes in one master project which now totals over 3 hours.  I see a warning that I have exceeded the CD limit but the project works fine and all my mixes have the opportunity to sound consistent, my ears being the only issue.  Using digital release, you can select any mix(es) you want.