Questions & Answers

Can't get the L/R output to run through the V/C on the Studio Live 16 III desk. - Fixed

0 votes
asked Aug 27, 2018 in Networked Stage Box by Michael MacLeod (240 points)
edited Aug 29, 2018 by Michael MacLeod
I would like use the NSB-16 as a traditional snake box using my StudioLive Series 16 III desk.

ie. Sending 1-6 Auxs to Wedges and 7 & 8 to Mains. Can I do this?  Using 33-40 on the patch. I can get input to board, and output from Main O/P but no L/R volume control on O/P.

Update:  When I cycled the power on the NSB, I was able to select the post-fade toggle successfully and now have everything working perfectly.  

Lesson:  When in doubt cycle power first!   :-)

1 Answer

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answered Aug 30, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

AVB Sends are as follows for digital patching to the NSB. 

1: AVB Sends 1-8 = Channels 1-8 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”

2: AVB Sends 9-16 = Channels 9-16 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”  

3: AVB Sends 17-24 = Channels 17-24 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”  

4: AVB Sends 25-32 = Channels 25-32 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”  

5: AVB Sends 33-40 are broken up as the following

  • 33-34: Aux input 1L, 2R = Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • 35-36: Aux input 3L, 4R = Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • 37-38: Tape In L, Tape In R = Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • 39-40: Main L, Main R= Post Fader/DSP AVB sends
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”

6: AVB Sends 41-48 = Mix 1 to 8 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Behaves the same as a normal Aux with Pre/Post and DSP settings

7: AVB Sends 49-56 = Mix 9 to 16 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Behaves the same as a normal Aux with Pre/Post and DSP settings