Questions & Answers

What is the default AVB Sends for Main Output L/R for Studio Live 32 Series III

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asked Aug 9, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by sbmc (490 points)
We use StudioLive Series III as our FOH Mixer and StudioLive 32R as our Stagebox. We recently bought 5 Earmix devices and trying to routes AVB sends starting channel  33 and when we got to 40 our FOH Speaker stop working.

My Question to you is:

1. What is the default AVB send channel for the Main Speaker L/R?

2. Is it possible to route the Main L/R speaker to AVB 55 and 56.

3. If I made the Audio Routing changes in our Mac mini via UC software, Is the setting going to be Save and Retain after shutting down the computer.

4. We bought another StudioLive 32R after the first one stop working(it is fixed now) and I want to use the second StudioLive 32 for our Live Broadcast. The issue I have is if I power on the Stagebox last, the FOH Mixer, StudioLive 32 III is picking up from the second StudioLive 32R which is use for Live Broadcasting. Is there away to rename the device name? For example: StudioLive 32R to "StageBox"

Thank you,


1 Answer

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answered Sep 7, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

1: As default the main left and right is AVB Send 39-40.

2: Yes, in digital patching, AVB sends just change 55/56 to main left and right

3: Is you save you scene, the routing will be retained

4: Yes, you can rename a connected device in the Stagebox setup screen in UC. 

Below is a full breakdown of the AVB Streams. 

1: AVB Sends 1-8 = Channels 1-8 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”

2: AVB Sends 9-16 = Channels 9-16 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”  

3: AVB Sends 17-24 = Channels 17-24 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”  

4: AVB Sends 25-32 = Channels 25-32 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”  

5: AVB Sends 33-40 are broken up as the following

  • 33-34: Aux input 1L, 2R = Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • 35-36: Aux input 3L, 4R = Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • 37-38: Tape In L, Tape In R = Pre-DSP, Pre Fader AVB sends.
  • 39-40: Main L, Main R= Post Fader/DSP AVB sends
  • If you wish the output to be post DSP, then on the change the “Digital Send Option” for the channel to be “Post”

6: AVB Sends 41-48 = Mix 1 to 8 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Behaves the same as a normal Aux with Pre/Post and DSP settings

7: AVB Sends 49-56 = Mix 9 to 16 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Behaves the same as a normal Aux with Pre/Post and DSP settings