Questions & Answers

How can I open a Studio 3 project in Studio 2.

+1 vote
asked Sep 13, 2018 in Studio One 2 by Lizzy1 (160 points)
I've just purchased Orb Composer orchestra.  The project file for Studio One that comes with their setup guide was created in Studio 3.  I have Studio 2 Pro for Windows 7. When I try to open the project I get “This file is not compatible because it had been created with a newer version of Studio One.”

This version: Studio One/
Generator: Studio One/

I've contacted Orb Composer and they do not have project files for earlier versions, so how can I open this file?  Do I need to buy a newer version of Studio One?  If I buy Studio One 4, can it open a Studio One 3 project?  I can't really afford 4 right now so I'd like to be able to open this file now and upgrade when I can afford it.  Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
Opening Studio One 3 session in Studio One 2 is not supported, you can however open a Studio One 2 session in Studio One 3, and a Studio One 2 or 3 session in Studio One 4.