Questions & Answers

Routin MIDI from EZKeys to a different instrument track

0 votes
asked Sep 29, 2018 in Studio One 4 by Jo-Ha (360 points)

In Toontrack Ezkeys there is an option called "enable MIDI out". In Logic I can use this option to direct the midi data from Ezkeys direct to another plugin like Keyscape. There is no need to drag'n'drop midi events from Ezkeys in an other instrument track.

You only have to mute the Ezkeys output and all music is directly played by Keyscape.

If tried to do this in S1 pro 4.1. It don't work as easy as in Logic. With the option "enable MIDI out" EzKeys sends the midi data somewhere... it seems to be not to an midi channel. I don't know. In the Keyscape track I try every input, but no midi data generated by Easykeys is visible.

Any idea, how to set S1 up, so that an instrument channel recieves its input from the MIDI output from another instrument channel?

Thanks a lot!

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2018 by BobF (2,080 points)
It's as simple as selecting EZKeys as the input on the other Instrument track.  Make sure you have input monitoring enabled on the other track.
0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2018 by Jo-Ha (360 points)
hi bob. it must to too simple, I just can't find the option. In the other instrument track I can choose only MIDI devices as input...
0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2018 by Jo-Ha (360 points)
edited Sep 29, 2018 by Jo-Ha
OK, the ouput of EZKeys must be routed to the other instrument track... Thanks!

But: It's not the same as in Logic. In Logic all I do within Ezkeys is immediately mapped to the other instrument, so if I browse through the MIDI library from EZkeys, or if I use the chord tool in Ezkeys, all is send to the other instrument, makes it easier to get the results. In a way you can fully exchange the sound engine from Ezkeys thru another plugin. Thats great!
0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2018 by BobF (2,080 points)

EZKeys shows up as an input option for me on other Inst Tracks.  Make sure you enable Monitoring for the destination Inst Track

0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2018 by Jo-Ha (360 points)

Thank you... but in "my" S1 there is no option for EZKeys as input.

I use the S1 Pro 4.1 on macOS.

Maybe there is a configuration, that I don't know, to show other instrument tracks as input?

0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2018 by Jo-Ha (360 points)

Here is the solution... from the Toontrack support:

The tutorial below is intended for EZDrummer 2 users, but the theory and screenshots will be nearly the same:

Now it works, the MIDI output from EZkeys is the MIDI input for Keyscape... or any other instrument.
