Questions & Answers

How to Route MIDI to Audio Track (Effect plugin on Audio Track)

0 votes
asked Jun 25, 2016 in Studio One 3 by ericmitchell3 (220 points)
reopened Apr 10, 2017 by AlexTinsley
  • Your Computer Make and Model: Self built, Core i7 4790k, 16GB DDR3 RAM, nVidia GT740
  • Operating System and Version: OS X El Capitan 10.11.5
  • Application Version: 10.3.2
  • Audio Interface and it's Driver Version: Roland OctaCapture, Driver 1.5.2
  • Digital Mixer and it's Driver/Firmware Version: N/A

So I recently demo'd S13 on a mix master and got halted in my tracks. I've heard and read so many great things about this DAW and I've already discovered plenty of reasons to love it. But I literally cannot use it without this feature. Very simply, I want to be able to route a midi track's output to a midi-controlled plugin on an audio track. The plugin is called Kickstart which is an automatic volume enveloper which accomplishes side chaining but cleaner and more precisely than actual side chain compression. The way this would/should work is as follows:

1: You have the Bass in an audio track.

2: You have a midi track, for this example we'll call it "Kick SC Trigger" that has nothing inserted on it, and you have midi data in the track that you intend to trigger Kickstart with.

3: You place the Kickstart plugin on the bass audio track and set it's midi receive to "In from host, all channels".

4: You click the output dropdown of of the Kick SC Trigger midi track and select "Bass - Kickstart" so the midi is then being fed into the midi input of the Kickstart plugin on the bass audio track.

That's how it works in Ableton, it takes 5 seconds, piece of cake. I've personally accomplished or seen this routing done in Logic, FL, Bitwig, Sonar, Cubase, I think all but Pro Tools, and now it would seem Studio One. There are many new plugin EFFECTS (not instruments) coming out that are or can be triggered to do things by a midi source. And you should be able to route midi to those plugins wherever they reside; audio tracks, midi tracks, busses, the master, etc. The core mindset here, is that if a plugin (instrument AND effect) can be put there, midi track output should be able to be routed to the plugin if it is designed to receive it.

I want to give another mix audition a go and be able to use the software in this way, as I literally can't be without it. I hope you guys see all these requests, and can implement it because I can't bring myself to get on board without this being fixed/added.

Thanks for putting so much effort into what otherwise seems like a contender for my new DAW of choice. And I hope you'll greatly consider getting this in there!!

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jun 26, 2016 by niles (54,670 points)
selected Apr 10, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

This already works. I always use Instument tracks to trigger MIDI capable inserts. Kickstart is no exception and can be triggered from an Instrument track in Studio One.

0 votes
answered Jun 26, 2016 by ericmitchell3 (220 points)
Thanks for the image. Don't know why I couldn't get this to work the other day. Even posted in the forums and was told by others it's not possible as well. Just set up another attempt now and it's working fine. Thanks again!