When using my IPad to control UC Surface while waking about in the venue, I'd like to suspend my connection when I'm not adjusting a setting. I'd like to "Lock Out" my iPad to prevent making unintended changes to my settings while in move about. In the older version I there was a button on the upper left that took my back to the "Start" page. When I wanted to resume control to make an adjustment I would press "Reconnect" (Upper Right hand corner) an return to the mixer settings.
I love being able to walk the hall or stage a make adjustment on the fly, but I'm also very frightened that I will brush up against the screen when I not intending to and screw up something and turn the sound to something ugly, ******* off both the band and the audience.
Please allow us to temporally suspend control when It's not being used and quickly reconnect when control is needed again.