Questions & Answers

SampleOne XT - Chop / Drag&Drop samples

+3 votes
asked Nov 20, 2018 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by lapidar (900 points)
I would like to chop samples in SampleOne to cut away stuff (and save space) that I do not need.
An option like "chop sample before/after Start/End-Markers" would be cool.

Also sometimes I would like to do a selection on a short part of my sample and drag&drop it from SampleOne to Impact XT.
But Drag&Drop only seems to work one way...

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2019 by tr28 (440 points)
I don't understand why this is that necessary. There is an already existing simple work around.
You can edit your sample in every way described within the sequencer. Then select your completed edit, Press G to merge the Sample, then Drag into SampleOne or ImpactXT any way you see fit.

Also, you can Press Command/Ctrl+B to Bounce from SampleOne. Then drag that bounce into Impact XT.