Questions & Answers

How can I identify and delete midi controller events from an imported midi track?

0 votes
asked Nov 26, 2018 in Studio One 4 by richardskelt (550 points)
I have imported some midi tracks, and I can see from the track view that there are some controller events that I don't want.  In my other DAW I simply would delete these from the midi event list.

For example, on a drum track I can see that there are at least four automation/controller types showing up in the track view but in the automation lanes at the bottom of the edit pane I can only identify one (patch change = 0), and I can't seem to delete it anyway...  How can I identify what the other events are and them delete them so that they don't interfere with things I want to do later?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2018 by alberthislop (1,000 points)
Double-clicking the imported region opens the track editor which shows the notes above and all the other data below separated by tabs.  Selecting a tab should display the data of that type.    Velocity, Modulation, Pitch Bend and After Touch tabs are there by default even if there is no data of those types.  All other MIDI data present in the region will display a tab of that data type.  

To delete all of the data of a given type, right click on the tab and select Remove, all of the data of that type will be deleted.  

To remove the data manually, you must delete the individual nodes (the dots that are specific data points) by selecting and deleting or by using the eraser tool.  

BTW, if you have moved the left border of the region to the right and covered up controller data, you will not see the nodes and be unable to delete the data manually.
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2018 by richardskelt (550 points)
"To delete all of the data of a given type, right click on the tab and select Remove, all of the data of that type will be deleted. "    When I right click on the tab there is only an option for "add".   So no that  didn't work for me,

BUT What I did find that worked was to highlight the controller region with the arrow tool which highlights all the nodes in bright colour.  Right clicking on one node brings up a "delete" option - and if all the nodes are highlighted ,then they are all deleted.  Because the window has a tab for any controller data present this is not too much of a chore.
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2018 by richardskelt (550 points)
Correction:    "To delete all of the data of a given type, right click on the tab and select Remove, all of the data of that type will be deleted. "    When I right click on the tab there is only an option for "add".   So no that  didn't work for me.  - well......

There is no remove option on the tabs for Vel, Mod, Pitch B, and After touch.  There is a "remove" option for the other items, which does as described in the first answer.