Questions & Answers

How to select and delete all MSB/LSB/PC from all imported midi tracks

+1 vote
asked Oct 11, 2023 in Studio One 6 by Jensnsn (340 points)
Hey guys!

Most of the time i work with imported midi files and external sound engine (Korg PA4x, Yamaha Motif XF). After importing a midi file I want to delete all MSB/LSB/PC data (even more in the future) with a Makro or something. Usually it's fine to select and delete first 2 bars of the tracks where all the midi commands are located. Not in S1 - even when deleting first 2 bars all MSB/LSB/PC data will remain so I have to open every single track, search for the data (because of missing list editor it's not that handy) and delete it manually.

I tried to build a macro for this but I didn't found commands for selecting specific midi commands.

As alternative would it be possible to set a pre defined midi filter after importing the midi file?

Any help or fast workaround for this?
