I am trying to mix down one song from a two-hour live recording.
Song/Export Mixdown
Choose folder
Choose a filename, Format, resolution, sample rate
Export Range: "Between Selected Markers" - open drop-down list and choose the starting and ending markers for the song I wish to export
Press OK
Expected: selected area is mixed down to a new file
Actual: Failed to export audio file.
The system cannot find the file specfied (E:\S1 Projects\project-name\sub-folder-name\mix-file-name.wav
Why is it LOOKING for the file I'm trying to create and why is it looking in a folder other than the one I'm trying to export to?
Why is it only failing for this one song? I just found out that if I select between other markers that it works fine.
Re-naming the start marker and the output file seems to have resolved this.
So I'm guessing that this is due to the way S1 is deciding creating a numbered folder based upon the location of the markers within the project. I don't really need/want that. I want to decide where my mix goes.