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"The system cannot find the file specified" I've tried to change the path but it doesn't work. help

+5 votes
asked Oct 30, 2018 in Studio One 4 by brianearcher (170 points)
I just downloaded Studio One today and I really like it but I'm getting the "could not save (song name) and "The system cannot find the file specified." I've looked here and online but whatever I do doesn't work. I've been trying to save the song I made for a while now and I can't go to sleep without it being saved. I'm on Windows 10 Surface laptop,

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 26, 2019 by donteclyburn (160 points)
Did you ever get the answer to this problem? It just started happening to me today and customer service it closed on the weekend
+1 vote
answered Aug 7, 2020 by jonwarwick (330 points)
Me too.  Just started to give the same error when I try to export audio from a Notion score I've written.  Never had this before.
0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2021 by eltpowell (440 points)
I have started getting this same error as you guys recently.

Did any of you ever figure out how to fix the problem.

Also, today, some tracks in my songs are displaying the audio events/midi parts etc as grey waves on a black background, rather than the usual coloured background of my choice. I don't know if those problems are related but they both started happening in the last couple of days.
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2022 by carlospizarro1 (140 points)
This my exact same problem, I can't find an answer
0 votes
answered Aug 10, 2022 by hemdaromer (140 points)

I ran into the same problem. I checked the File Folder and saw that my hard drive name did not appear in the list. I unplugged the cord of my hard drive that gets inserted into my computer and nothing happened. I turned off my hard drive and then back on. Still nothing. When I unplugged the cord that inserts into the back of the hard drive and plugged it back in, immediately the name of my hard drive appeared in the File Folder and when I tried to export, it worked! Hope this helps.