Questions & Answers

Security Watermark in Project

+1 vote
asked Dec 26, 2018 in Mastering by palladinojt (560 points)
I would love a way to overlay a security "watermark" to an entire Project for sending to clients for review.  For now I can simply add a watermark track to each song, but when the mix is approved I need to remove that watermark from each song, one by one, and update the Mastering File for each song, one by one.  It would be great to be able to apply it "globally" from within the Project, choose a sound or upload your own, select frequency (every 10sec, 30sec, etc), and turn it on or off for all songs with a click.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 6, 2020 by amiliikass (500 points)

Hello, if you want to add watermark on all of your projects, add them one by one is a waste of time. I think you can try a watermark adding software, I have used EasePaint Watermark Remover, this tool supports bulk-adding watermarks on photos and videos. if you want to erase them, this tool can also do it for you. So I think you can just have a try.
