Questions & Answers

Is there a way to adjust the insert views to make them bigger, Ampire, Amplitube etc..

0 votes
asked Jan 18, 2019 in Studio One 4 by ctyler (160 points)
Is there a way to adjust the insert views to make them bigger,  Ampire, Amplitube etc..

Ampire shows up big enough however others Like Jamvox, Amplitube etc.. are so small I can hardly use them.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2019 by ctyler (160 points)
edited Jan 20, 2019 by ctyler

Here You can see how small this is. The Ampire is about 4-5 times or more larger than this.
Studio One must scale up image size of the Ampire amps. Trying to see if this and others can be scaled up in size.
