Questions & Answers

I'm trying to get away from using my mouse, is there any way to add insert effects to a channel?

+1 vote
asked May 17, 2020 in Studio One 4 by RAS69 (400 points)
I'm trying to find a key command for adding insert (basically what clicking the "+" sign does) to a channel.

The add inserts to selected channels option brings up a different insert window. (which is actually the little triangle next to the plus sign) I'm searching for the drop down menu with the search field, located on the channel in the mix window and the Inspector panel as well.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 17, 2020 by lewpshekla (2,660 points)
Hello! I have a set up of the Bx Consoles on keys F6 to F10 and Shift + F6 to F10 it a major work flow enhancer. You can do this but creating a macro like this - use these two commands in the Marco editor - Add insert to selected track and show channel editor
0 votes
answered May 17, 2020 by marcomonchi (2,320 points)
Look in the presonus site at Greg video the shorts of One minute. There Is One that tolk about this...I think you'll get  the tight answer