Questions & Answers

How to set-up multiple user profiles

0 votes
asked Dec 26, 2015 in MyPreSonus Questions by desiphilips (210 points)
Both my wife and I are sharing an Audiobox USB. I've tried setting up my own profile on, but I receive a message stating that my Audiobox is already registered to another user. How can I set up my own profile for the same hardware? I could not find this information in the FAQ.


Thank you,


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 28, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
selected Mar 9, 2016 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
Is there a need for a second account? The hardware doesn't need to be registered to a machine, just to an owner. You have access to driver downloads through that account. As for software, you are allowed up to 5 separate installations of Studio One, and there are options for online activation or offline activation. For an online activation, just use the credentials used to register the AB.