Questions & Answers

remove old versions

0 votes
asked Dec 28, 2015 in Studio One 3 by croumbanis (120 points)

I am going to upgrade from Studio One 2 pro to Pro 3

My question is: I have previous installs of Studio One from 2-14 from updating and not knowing whether to overwrite or not. First of all. Should I just overwrite when updating? And second...How do I delete those old versions (MAc Mini server quad core running OSX Yosemite 10.10.5  Thirdly---If I am going to remove those older versions, should I do it after I upgrade to Studio One 3 Pro or before? and last but not least, what about all my projects? Will they import automatically or will they be deleted when I remove the old versions



1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 28, 2015 by gadget69 (31,130 points)

You can upgrade right in your "My Presonus" account. I still have S1/2 and S1/3, on my computer but you don't have to have both... your upgrade will be a complete install that doesn't need any of S1/2 so if you want you can uninstall it before OR after...

Your content should all be stored in stems on your computer, and will import into S1/3 , just make sure the folder is backed up if your going to delete S1/2.