Questions & Answers

Trying to update the firmware in my 16:4:2 AI mixer to the latest firmware and it has been loading for over an hour.

0 votes
asked Dec 28, 2015 in Ai Mixers by Tom Bryson (280 points)
I loaded the four update files onto a memory stick, removed the interface board in the mixer, installed the USB drive and powered the mixer on. It has been loading for over an hour. What should my next step be?

8 Answers

–1 vote
answered Dec 29, 2015 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
My guess would be your Thumb drive is not working (at least for an Ai update)...You also failed to read the BIG RED message on the "Ask a question" page. What computer? What OS? for instance. There is a Knowledge base:

and in it there is a wealth of information. The issue's  you are experiencing are covered in those articles...

If you are using anything other than a Sansa 8 gb (and even then you should FORMAT it Fat32) even the 4 gb white Sansa you may not have consistent performance. We went through multiples of them and found little consistency, so, are recommending the Sansa. I personally use a 230Mb jump I got from Yamaha at a class.

Try that and see...but make sure your using the latest update available in your "My Presonus" account, under your registered console, and follow the instructions there.
0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2015 by Tom Bryson (280 points)

Good morning gadget69. A problem with the USB drive is likely the problem. The download information indicates that SanDisk devices are the best (It is highly recommended that when doing a Firmware Recovery that you use a Sandisk USB flash drive as mentioned in the following knowledge base article. Some flash drives will not work correctly for Firmware Recovery: SanDisk Cruzer USB Flash Drive Compatibility with StudioLive AI).

If the Sansa drives are needed then the information on the website should be updated. I tried two different SanDisk drives with the same results. Fortunately the mixed didn't do a partial upgrade.

0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2015 by Tom Bryson (280 points)
I followed the suggestion in the installation instructions to run the SanDisk Cruzer U3 uninstall. That ran part way and then died. I think that that was because I had formated the visible partition. I reformated the drive, copied the files back onto it and the mixer updated to the latest revision. So at this point all is good.
0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2016 by ibanezludwig (140 points)

Trying to upgrade my brand new out of box and having issue also.  Removed the interface board, and when I start, I see the Updating firm ware message for a couple of second and then I get this message: IO CARD NOT FOUND Please check your IO Card slot.


0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2016 by Tom Bryson (280 points)

Hello ibanezludwig,

From my experience I would say that the update files on your USB drive were not found and the mixer booted up normally and identified that there was no IO card installed. I don't know what kind of USB drive that you are using. Look through the other answers to my original problem and see if one of those helps.


0 votes
answered Mar 25, 2016 by bobfarrell (200 points)
I just did the firmware update on mine last night and have the exact same problem :"Loading Please Wait..." for hours, over reboots, etc. I doubt it is your thumb drive. I did the same update to my Presonus RM32 Mixer and it all worked perfectly. The 16:4:2ai found the new files and added them. Then upon the requested power cycle, it got locked into this mess.

For everyone saying it is the thumb drive, I beg to differ. Thumb drive worked perfectly on different Presonus board and way too many people are having this same issue now.
0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2016 by jdkelly (190 points)
All your answers point to blaming the flash drive -- I used a Sandisk Cruzer 8GB as I was told to do by phone support, it worked very well on my other mixer -- All of your answers here tell me the possible cause of the problem and none of your answers tell me what to do about it.  I NEED MY MIXER UP AND RUNNING !  - I have a gig in 3 days -- HOW DO I FIX MY MIXER???!!! - - HELP!
0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2016 by Tom Bryson (280 points)
TO jdkelly,

I don't know whether you have deleted the preinstalled Cruzer software or not. I  followed the suggestion in the installation instructions to run the SanDisk Cruzer U3 uninstall. That ran part way and then died. I think that that was because I had formated the visible partition. I reformated the drive, copied the files back onto it and the mixer updated to the latest revision. It seems to me that I had used the same flash drive earlier and had no problem but not for the update that generated my original question. I have used the same flash drive since and it has worked fine.
