Questions & Answers

Navigate Plugin Presets with Faderport

+11 votes
asked Feb 19, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by danchase (860 points)
Please implement a way to navigate plugin presets with the Faderport 8/16. Something, perhaps, with the Pan knob while in "Edit Plugins" mode? You could press the knob to open the presets menu, turn the knob to scroll through, press the knob to expand folders and select presets?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2020 by CPhoenix (840 points)
I second this. Pleeeassseeeee do this. I just reached for a way to do this but realized I can't.

I have my assignable buttons set up to add specific plugins to a channel, and it would be so easy if I could select next/prev preset. For example... I have one button setup to add Pipeline. If I could next/prev presets... I could easily navigate to my favorite hardware.

0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2020 by johnvallely (300 points)
I second this! I'm having a nightmare trying to use any more than the 8 automatically selected parameters of a plugin. I presumed that one of the knobs would act as a scroll..... Have they just left the other parameters unavailable?? It seems pretty incredible to me. Like in a reverb plugin I can't access some of the most basic parameters on the faderport.
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2021 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
currently the Pan knob is set to move left/right between multiple plugins (if you have several plugins on a track). I like this as it is and wouldn't to see it replaced with the Pan knob to scroll through presets. Maybe an alternative approach could be found to your request.