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Faderport V2 Link feature hovering doesn't work with 3rd-party plugins

+12 votes
asked Feb 4, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by vitaliistepchenko (740 points)

I'm a bit not happy new owner of Faderport V2.

It's really disappointing that Link feature of Faderport V2 (when you hover over any parameter and could control it with the knob on Faderport) doesn't work with 3d-party plugins properly. The only way to use it is to click first on the parameter and then you can control it with the knob. What even worse is that until you click on some parameter in some plugin window, it's considered out of focus for Faderport, so you can change something under the plugin window without even knowing it. It's so lame!!!
Another issue is that when you press the knob to reset a parameter to a default value, it sets it zero, BUT not all parameters have zero as a default value, so the only way is still CTRL+mouse click or double mouse click depending on a plugin!

Is there any chance you'll fix these issues soon?


5 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 26, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+4 votes
answered Mar 6, 2019 by alexdavidson2 (230 points)
Using the encoder by hovering over a knob with a mouse cursor was one of the reasons I got my FaderPort 2018. And it turns out that this feature works only with native presonus plugins, I'm a little disappointed myself. I hope this is fixable.
+1 vote
answered Feb 22, 2020 by markuswinberg (270 points)
Has this been fixed or does 3:rd party plugins still not work the same as native plugins with link?

I`m thinking of getting a Faderport v2, but one of the functions I'd like to use is link for changing values on plugins.

Best regards

+2 votes
answered Jul 19, 2020 by benreaves (11,480 points)

This is one of the TOP reasons Studio One users would buy a Faderport. If this doesn't even work correctly, I may go with a controller from a different company entirely. The Faderport series is supposed to be rock solid, perfectly integrated with Studio One, that's how PreSonus markets it. If it's not, the product falls apart. Makes the X-Touch look appealing... at least it has LED track monitoring.

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2021 by nickschreger (860 points)
This isn't something Presonus can do! With their own Plugins they can establish a connection between [mouse pointer location],  [controller value] and [hardware control]. In order to make this work, the plugin developers have to make sure that on mouse hover, the plugin "talks" to Studio One. I too would be happy if I could use all dials like that.