Questions & Answers

More complete system clefs for Notion 6

+4 votes
asked Mar 26, 2019 in Notion by williamparatore (180 points)

Hi everyone,
All is in the title, but i want make some examples.
If you want study or write score with traditional clefs for the choir, the Soprano clef are missing.

When you know we have 5 C clef, 2 it's little.

The traditional writing for the choir it's not rare.

Thanks for the attention !

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by ioannisvardaxis (160 points)

Actually, both the Soprano 1 and Soprano 2 are missing. Also the lower bass and lower tremble clefs are missing as well.

Can you please update the tags to this question to include "feature request" and "mac" as well?
