Questions & Answers

How do I get Notion to recognise key signatures correctly?

+3 votes
asked Apr 3, 2019 in Notion by mattosgood (430 points)
I'm using Notion to create a lead sheet for a song I've recorded in S1. The song is in E. I've got a single note midi file in S1 just playing the tune. When I send that track to Notion, it appears with loads of flats. When I add E major as a key signature however, it doesn't sort itself out automatically but still randomly recognises some notes correctly and not others - for example in the song I'm working on at the moment it has F#s fine but all the G#s and C#s and written as Abs and Dbs - then I need to laboriously go through the score, select every single note that's spelled incorrectly and hit Shift E to sort it out.

a) Am I missing something that would make Notion do this automatically? and/or

b) is this something the Notion programmers need to improve in an update??

Any help much appreciated!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 2, 2022 by davidhyde (340 points)

Further, there is a tremendous amount of rework and potential for errors when we have to respell notes (shift E) when preparing scores in concert key, and parts in transposed keys. As a composer, I should be able to agilely go back and forth to check things without the need to respell manually. It's not uncommon in a commission to present multiple versions of the score and parts during the development, and so every time I reprint parts I have to go through a check the correct enharmonic equivalents. Notion should be able to look at the key signature and make sure that accidentals match (either all flats or sharps).
