Questions & Answers

Should presonus eris e8 hum/hiss ?

0 votes
asked Apr 18, 2019 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by giulioferraiuolo (120 points)
There is a low hum in both monitors, it is normal ? It's there even if I unplug the speakers from the audio interface.

1 Answer

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answered Apr 18, 2019 by johnellard (3,170 points)
Sounds to me like you're experiencing a ground hum. I recommend getting a Klein outlet tester from Home Depot. They're cheap ($10-$12 depending if you get it with or without the GFT checker for outlets with a breaker button).

Check your outlets for good grounds and proper wiring. Try plugging one of the speakers into a kitchen or bathroom outlet and see if you still have the hum. Even old buildings that have been converted from 2-prong to 3-prong outlets should have grounded outlets in the kitchen and bathroom (where there's running water).

I also recommend a Furman power strip to attenuate EMI/RFI. $36-44 for a 6-outlet strip from Furman with a 15 foot cord and worth every penny.