Questions & Answers

Use both input on Eris 3.5?

0 votes
asked Jul 5, 2020 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by kumashdesai (120 points)
Can i use both the inputs on the eris 3.5?

not together but can i plug in my interface to the balanced inputs and my bluetooth adaptor to the rca inputs?

and use one or the other?

If yes then i can use my phone without having to plugin to the aux or save money buying the non BT version.

1 Answer

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answered Jul 8, 2020 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)

From the manual:

"The Eris active speaker provides a choice of two pairs of inputs on the rear-panel: left and right balanced ¼” TRS and left and right unbalanced RCA. These inputs accept a line-level signal from an audio source and feed that signal to each monitor’s power amplifier. These inputs are provided to enable flexible connectivity, not for connecting multiple sources to your speakers simultaneously."

I would guess if you did try to use both inputs at once it would overload the input, resulting in distortion. I don't see why you couldn't plug in to both inputs and just be diligent about not playing both sources at the same time. Just a guess though as I don't have the E3.5s.
