Questions & Answers

Control 2 or more parameters with 1 physical knob. Part 2

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asked Apr 28, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by cedricmialaret (1,630 points)
edited Apr 28, 2019 by cedricmialaret

The only way to control 2 or more parameters with a single physical knob is to go the macro control way, which kind of works, but it is a hack.
1. One has to create a multi-instrument, although it really isn't. 
2.One has then to add the real instrument in the multi.
3. One has to assign a multi instrument knob to the physical knob
4. then choose multiple targets for the multi instrument knob.

This works,as long as the multi instrument window is selected. If you forget and select the window of your true instrument, which is logical, it won't work.
Same for automation.

So the original feature request stands:

Please allow the control of 2 or more parameters of a single instrument with a single physical knob.
