Questions & Answers

Improve & enhance NoteFX to Reason-Players quality

+9 votes
asked May 11, 2019 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by cedricmialaret (1,630 points)
edited May 11, 2019 by cedricmialaret

The NoteFX plugins of S1 4 are very basic, and mostly not on par with the competition, such as the super limited and hard to use Chorder.

Ideally, Presonus would improve them and make them like Propellerhead's reasons players, and, like Properllerhead, create an open SDK giving the possibility for other software houses to develop & market players.

Just compare:

- Chorder vs Reason's Scales & Chords

See also Cubase's Chord Pads, Proximity, & Assign (Chord) Pads from Chord Track

- Arpeggiator vs Reason's Dual Arpeggio

Then see what's possible with:

Euclidean Rythms

Quad Note Generator

Drum Sequencer


Other: Cubase's MIDI input transformer has no equivalent in S1:

More generally now that S1 has reached a very high technical level, I'd like the devs to concentrate on creativity tools & ways to accelerate processes to not lose the creative juice, just like with many parts of Reason, Live or Cubase.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 3, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered May 18, 2019 by christhomas15 (2,780 points)
How about compose in reason bounce the tracks and finish the mix in studio one. I use reason 10.3 with studio one 4 and it is great I just wish it had film score
0 votes
answered May 20, 2019 by cedricmialaret (1,630 points)

It's Possible, and actually, I'm sometimes preparing MIDI in Reason & importing it in Studio One, but not sustainable. I do not wish to work at the same time in 2,3 or more DAWs if I can avoid it. It costs money (don't forget the updates), a lot of time to learn each & everyone, plus their keyboard shortcuts, idiosyncrasies and so forth.
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2021 by ben70 (700 points)
I hope support for reason players i cant seem to get them to work in studio one 5.