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Buddies from Presonus, please make NoteFX free accessible.

+5 votes
asked May 12, 2021 in MIDI Editing by wbqltuuk (1,600 points)
edited May 12, 2021 by wbqltuuk
As I am using Artist, I only have one NoteFX available which is the Input Filter.. I don't mind you locked the other native options for the Pro/Sphere version. But at the same time you completely locked it to use it with 3th party plugins.

That means that people spending 100 dollars on the Artist version are limited and locked to not using arpeggiators, or any other kind of pre-note midi enhancers. For me, that doesn't sound like a Artist version, as having control of the midi notes seems to me pretty much basic material for a DAW.

I found an aweful way to do it, by using more tracks and daisy chain them together. But this is not in any way a permanent solution.

My suggest would be to select your own NoteFX from the VST menu, and place them before the track itself. Or somehow merge two daisychained tracks together so both tracks appear as one, so there isn't any problem with arming and monitoring when shifting between tracks. Or even the extra latency, as I found out.

I realise this option would benefit Pro/Sphere as well. So it would be a win-win for everyone.