Questions & Answers

Midi events to project pool just as audio events - ability to see what is there, timestamps and whatnot

+2 votes
asked May 23, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by Nip (3,260 points)
I find midi is neglected - yet it is probably more than half of every project for most of us.
Maybe not separate files on disk - but still miss this.

a) no way I found to check when it was recorded - timestamp
b) no total overview of project of ALL events/clips whatever you prefer to call it
c) caching of takes/layers as for audio would be useful as well - good history

Thanks for voting.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2019 by Scoox (17,310 points)
Another reason for this FR is that currently shared MIDI clips can have different names and colours. As soon as you have a bunch of shared events, it's very hard to keep track of what's linked to what. By having a single "source" event in the pool, shared events would be easier to manage.