Questions & Answers

Option To Enable Emboldened Fonts In Studio One To Improve Text Clarity

+8 votes
asked Jun 1, 2019 in Look and Feel by scottmoncrieff (1,060 points)
edited Jun 2, 2019 by scottmoncrieff
Presonus need to address the font quality issues, you just have to look at Cubase 10 to see how clear the fonts are. It's half way through 2019 and I would have hoped that the GUI in 4.5 would have been improved. I've been complaining about this on forums for the past 4 years now. If Presonus can't provide greatly enhanced GUI customisation, options like user preference of fonts and colours to use. At least give us a switch to improve text quality so those who are above the age of 40 don't have to strain our eyes.... It is tiring to spending long days dealing with poor text clarity. If fonts were emboldened, it would at least make using Studio One more pleasurable than it currently is...

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 27, 2019 by Motoxxx (310 points)
Older versions of Studio One had BOLD font in the track view so you could always clearly read the track titles. Pathetic that they did away with that. So hard to read on my large screens and next to impossible on my laptops!
0 votes
answered Jun 27, 2019 by lisarowe (3,830 points)

Over forty...yes, indeed.  I comfort myself by thinking that someday, they too, will have the same problem and wish they had been more sensitive to our plight when they had the chance.

Me?  I want to be able to reformat the date and timestamps of the tracks in the pool in addition to changing the scale.  Changing the font would be a big help.  Sans serif looks great, but there's a reason we have the other kind too.

: )
