Questions & Answers

how do I calculate total delay compensation

0 votes
asked Jun 13, 2019 in Studio One 4 by nickstumpf (170 points)
this is probably an easy one but trying to figure out how to determine the total delay compensation that's being applied to my sessions when in mix mode so if I need to do an overdub once in that mode I can adjust the timing back over to the left accordingly.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 13, 2019 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
In Studio One, this delay is managed with plug-in delay compensation through the entire audio path. There are no settings to manage, as this feature is completely automatic. The sync and timing of every Audio Channel in your Song are automatically maintained, no matter what processing is being used.

The current total plug-in delay time is displayed in the left-side Transport, below the current sample rate.
0 votes
answered Jun 15, 2019 by fernandogaspar (480 points)

The current total plug-in delay time is displayed in the left-side Transport, below the current sample rate.


This display does not appear in my home in the transport bar, how to see it?
