Questions & Answers

Option for plugin delay compensation while recording

+2 votes
asked Dec 23, 2023 in Recording by MarcoSlik (240 points)

This feature request foresees a huge workflow improvement when Studio One is used as a live broadcast mixer.

Studio One does an excellent job on low delay monitoring. Great for instrumentalist or vocalist recording.
However, the software is used more and more for broadcast mixing for live streaming, where all channels have input monitoring and recording enabled. In this usecase overall system/monitoring latency is not important, as the parallel video path most of the time has a minimum of 1 frame (40 mS @25fps) - most probably more - that has to be compensated for in the audio path.
What is important is that the audio engineer is flexible in setting his channel insert configuration (aka adding or removing plugins when needed) without any further administrative hassle.

Currently, placing a manually configured delay in all channels' insert path is necessary to compensate for the channel with the largest delay, to have a correct phase relationship and no audible flamming between input channels. This requires knowing the latency of every plugin used and calculating the amount of delay added for a specific track/channel to allign. Having to manually do that time and again when the insert configuration is altered. 

Please add a global audio option (tickbox) to automatically compensate for plugin latency while recording.
