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Inconsistencies in MIDI edit window for octave indication

+1 vote
asked Jun 19, 2019 in Editing by jacquessteyn1 (1,520 points)

This somewhat relates to Request

Octave numbers are inconsistent. Here is an example:

* Play C4 on an external Keyboard instrument.
* The Virtual Keyboard in the edit window displays C3, but when clicked, plays C4 - so the trigger of the VST is correct, but not the note displayed
* The horizontal bar displaying notes, displays C3, but plays C4 when clicked
* When clicking Play on transport bar, C3 plays - huh? why does transport follow the wrong display, and not the actual note value?

BUT it gets worse when transposing.

Here is an example after transposing:

* Play C4 on an external Keyboard instrument.
* The Virtual Keyboard in the edit window displays C3, but when clicked, plays C4
so far the same, but then:
* The horizontal bar displaying notes, displays C3, but plays C5 when clicked -- now suddenly, instead of being wrong one octave down, it is now wrong octave up - thus actually two octaves wrong (C3 to C5)
* When clicking Play on transport bar, C5 plays

Imagine the confusion when more than one simultaneous notes must be edited.

Please fix this.

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