Questions & Answers

better view in mixer and midi notes instruments

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asked Jun 21, 2019 in Studio One 4 by laurentstephane (380 points)
would like presonus to do a better view of the mixer like narrow mix because tracks are too large

or tio little

and some bug in the mixer when i put the mixer in my second screen there is some fash bugs

a better view of the midi notes for instruments and maybe the notes of tbe drums are too little, and the possibility to use a midi track with patterns?

some notes in the beginning when i record a keyboard are recorded too long a bug i dont know if you have fix that i have  not tested since the last version 4.5.1

i have imported a song with tempo changes from pro tools and i cant modify the tempo  because studio one have too know the tempo of each part

after that i like studio one but some better visibility and some bugs to fix