Questions & Answers

I have four PreSonus StudioLive 16.4.2 daisy chained, can I still record to CAPTURE?

0 votes
asked Jan 7, 2016 in Ai Mixers by jefflanningham (150 points)
firmware version 1.12

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2016 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
Best answer

Capture recording software should be able to see streams from most releases of firmware on our StudioLive AI mixers and StudioLive RM mixers correctly, as long as the driver is supported for that version of firmware (Release notes are posted in a product's hardware registration for more information).  As it stands with our classic StudioLive 16.4.2 mixer, it requires that the latest driver be installed on your system from our Downloads page under support, and the firmware be fully up to date.


NOTE:  Because you stated that your mixer is on Firmware 1.12, a Firmware update is required to daisy-chain two (2) StudioLive classic mixers and recording will need your mixer to be Firmware 1.13 or higher.  This also presents limitations on what systems can do this update correctly.  Before continuing, please make sure to follow the detailed instructions mentioned here on updating your mixer using OSX 10.5.8, 10.6.8, or Windows 7 32/64 bit ONLY.

How To: Update your 16.4.2 Classic (non-Ai) firmware from 1.12 and below


If you cannot complete the instructions as expressed above, PreSonus should be able to complete this for you unless the product you have has been included in our "End of Service" (EOS) Support Policy.  To understand how to set up a service request or see if your product is part of our EOS support list, please click this link here.
