Questions & Answers

Make my own UC quick track-type icons?

+19 votes
asked Jan 7, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by ulfwestberg1 (230 points)
Is there anyway to make my own UC quick track-type icons for Mac?
I wanna modify/complete the flying-V for electric guitar.
Make my own like Gibson LesPaul and Fender Tele-/Stratocaster and more.

3 Answers

+5 votes
answered Jan 7, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
There is no editor for user customizable icons.

If anyone else wants to see this as a feature please vote on it!
0 votes
answered Aug 10, 2016 by basmeijer (6,450 points)
Asked twice? Please see the other request with already more votes. Perhaps these votes can be merged.
+2 votes
answered Jul 26, 2017 by davidbeaumont (200 points)
We're using the mixer in a TV studio environment, for live & pre-recorded broadcasting. We once had a guitar in the studio — but only for about 15 minutes for an audition, which we didn't record anyway. On the other hand, we have camera audio, phone & Skype calls, and use audio & video playback from multiple sources, all the time. Almost none of the icons in the software have any relevance to us (hell, there isn't a playback icon of any description, unless I'm missing something)! I'm sure we can't be the only people on the planet using PreSonus/UC Surface in a video environment... Even if icon editing/adding is complex (although I don't see why it should be, necessarily), is there any scope for a handful of relevant icons to be added?