Questions & Answers

Can you provide a classroom version of Notion for iOS that includes the Handwriting tool?

+9 votes
asked Jul 8, 2019 in Notion iOS Feature Requests by timgrebien (210 points)
We would like to use Notion for iOS on our teaching iPads. However, the handwriting addon is only available as an in app purchase. As we are using VPP to distribute software for our iPads and in app purchases are not supported in VPP, I would like to ask you to provide a "classroom" version that already includes the in app purchase. Other software developers seem to be quite successful with that.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2021 by marieverstraete (140 points)
Indeed, we are in urgent need of a classroom version for Notion iOS! I have sent PreSonus a request about this months ago. Would appreciate a reaction.