Questions & Answers

Presence XT auto mapping

+6 votes
asked Jul 30, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by troymuss (610 points)
Please, can we have an auto-mapping feature on import of samples like FL Studio has?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 14, 2019 by lisarowe (3,830 points)
I had a conversation with a fellow S1 user who said: just ask for it, Presonus developers are very responsive!

I tried to tell him: we are a niche within a niche and it's probably way far down on the list of planned improvements.

Judging from there only being three votes in six months and one of them was mine, there isn't much interest.

So, I'm trying to work with my husband (software developer) to do it myself and I'm curious about what features people might like.

For one thing, I'm planning a pop-up window so you can identify the note name within the string of the file name and so be able to use alternate naming conventions.  (I have an older sample set that uses 's' instead of #, for example.)  Husband says is do-able.

: )