Questions & Answers

Unlocked 'example' sound sets for Presence XT to use for learning

0 votes
asked Jun 4, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by artoocrazy (740 points)
recategorized Jun 4, 2020 by artoocrazy
There isn't a lot of documentation of using the Java script and controls for Presence XT Editor.

It would be nice if there were a few "non locked" Presence instruments that could be used for learning by example.

These instrument's don't need to be Elite sound packs they would be best to be simple sounds, but using many of the features that are avialible through Java script, especially to access the knobs and buttons.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2021 by wayneflorek (140 points)

Try Sample Magic Loops and Kits in Soundsets>>Files Browser for some freebies.

Also, using S1 to create your own samples, then using Presence XT Editor to is a good way to get to know the power of the program. Laissez les Bon Temps Roulez!
